Guten Tag!
Guten Tag!

‣ Associate Professor, School of Life Sciences, Westlake University, 2024.01 - present

‣ Tenure-track Assistant Professor, School of Life Sciences, Westlake University, 2017.11 - 2023.12

‣ Postdoc in Computer-Aided Drug Design center, School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland Baltimore, 2012.04 - 2017.09
              with Prof. Alex MacKerell

‣ Postdoc in Laboratory of Computational Biology at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, 2015.03 - 2017.09
              with Dr. Bernie Brooks

‣ Ph.D. in Chemistry (summa cum laude), University of Basel, 2007.08 - 2011.08
              with Prof. Markus Meuwly

‣ M.S. in Physics, Tsinghua University, 2005.09 - 2007.07
              with Prof. Guozhen Wu

‣ B.S. in Physics, Tsinghua University, 2001.09 - 2005.07


‣ Outstanding Teacher of Hangzhou, Hangzhou Municipal Education Bureau, 2023

‣ SNF Fellowship for Prospective Researcher, Swiss National Science Foundation, 2012 - 2014

‣ Camille- und Henry-Dreyfus Stipendien, University of Basel, 2011

Short Bio

I was born in 1984 in Nanchang, a nice city in South China, and lived there until 2001 when I left home for college in Beijing. I got my Bachelor degree in 2005 and Master degree in 2007 from the Department of Physics in Tsinghua University.

I flied to Basel, Switzerland immediately after my graduation ceremony at Tsinghua, and started my PhD study by writing a fortran code from scratch to run molecular dynamics simulations. I enjoyed my time in Basel with good collaboration with organic chemists and exposure to a lot of knowledge about drug design and pharmaceutical industry. I spent four years to obtain my Ph.D from the Department of Chemistry in University of Basel, and stayed another half year as a postdoc in the group to finish some great Monte Carlo simulations as well as to travel around the Europe.

With an enthusiasm for force field optimization and a postdoctoral fellowship from Swiss National Science Foundation on “Improving force field with NMR and pKa data”, I moved to US in 2012 to work with Alex MacKerell at the Computer-Aided Drug Design Center in University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. From 2015 I have been splitting my time between the MacKerell lab and the Laboratory of Computational Biology at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH, attempting to push forward the whole simulation community towards more advanced models for molecular modeling and simulations.

After ten years studying abroad, I joined WIAS as a principal investigator in the Institute of Biology in Nov. 2017.